Download ASPED.b

We are currently preparing the publicly available version of ASPED.b.

File Description Size Download
Mini Test Data Package ASPED.b Session 1 Mini Package
  • one audio file (.MP4)
  • one annotation file (.CSV)
  • metadata file (.XLSX)
* Download link will be available shortly.
Audio Data Package ASPED.b Session 1-5 Audio Recording (.MP4)
ASPED.b Session 1-5 Annotation (.CSV)
* Download link will be available shortly.
Video Data Package ASPED.b Session 1-5 Video Recording (.MP4) * Download link will be available shortly.
Metadata ASPED.b Session 1-5 Metadata (.XLSX)
  • Session time, location map
  • Device coordinates
  • Start and end time of recordings
* Download link will be available shortly.

Data Description

  1. Session Details
  2. Check File Structures from ASPED.a Data Description Page

1. ASPED.b Session Details

Session Date Location # of Video Recorders Total Video Frames # of Audio Recorders
Session 1 July 26-28, 2023 Fifth Street 6 921,303 8
Session 2 August 9-11, 2023 Fifth Street 6 935,322 7
Session 3 October 24-26, 2023 Fifth Street 6 908,118 8
Session 4 November 7-9, 2023 Fifth Street 5 683,840 6
Session 5 November 28-30, 2023 Fifth Street 6 825,313 7